I think all governments are dirty in this type of thing. USA bombing other countries(Cambodia, Vietnam, Iraq, and many more. Lets face it governments all have their spies and people who will put a hit on someone in the line of duty to ones' government. The Spy business is full of dirty tricks in every country they have to survive or the other country will beat you to the punch,, because that is the pressure on all governments in the spy business. At the same time appear holier than thou towards the rival government to the world and its citizens. And yes survival of the smartest/fittest is still at play even in the business of governments.
I hope I don't sound callous but it is what it is. This type of thing will happen time to time especially in a double agent revenge is a paramount issue. Or maybe it was all planned to happen this way in advance in retribution to some long standing quarrel with the two countries I don't know. It is very sad that innocent people not associated with this thing are suffering.